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O_Journal_Under pressure

May 6

This week we have two individual dances, which has been our toughest week of rehearsal thus far. We remove the challenge of dancing with a team and syncing up our timing, but that means there’s a lot more challenge for Chelsea to get two dances performance-ready. Every week gets exponentially harder and harder, with more time required to rehearse and do press. And since we’ve progressed as the season moves along, we’re also more scrutinized by the judges. So that means we have to work harder to get the high scores from the judges and win over the fans’ votes.

Our dances are the slow waltz and salsa. And on top of learning both dances, salsa is an “instant dance.” Remember the “instant dance” from last season? That’s where we learn the song we’re dancing to a moment before we have to perform it. I’m excited to not have such an intense week like we did with the rock-inspired cha cha and paso. This week will be romantic and fun dances, which will put us in a good mood to get through the tough times during rehearsal.

On Friday morning, there was a photo shoot at my house. In Touch magazine is doing a story on my new place, so you’ll have to pick up a copy and check that out. It’s a bit of a cliché, but my home really is my sanctuary. After spending long hours rehearsing, traveling, doing press, and all the other things my job requires, I really like my time at home. The style fits my personality and inspires me to write music.

Speaking of music, I’m really excited for the weekend. We don’t get much time off, since we have to get the dances performance ready for Monday, but on Saturday I’m playing a private party for People. Every year, People hosts a party as a thank you to their top photographers and I’m honored that they asked me to play. Pia is coming along with some of her friends to support me, and I’m looking forward to a fun show.

One of the neat things about my job is that I have an opportunity to give back. I happily support various charities, and one thing I’m doing in June seems very relevant right now. Along with three other dancers from the show, we’re traveling to Germany for a USO tour.

I don’t know the bases we’re visiting yet, but I can’t wait to get over there and entertain our military and their families. I’m extremely proud to be an American. Having the opportunity to be around our heroes, and possibly get their minds off their stressful lives for a few hours, means the world to me. Having spent most of my life living in England, I really appreciate the freedom that we are gifted here in the States. Getting the opportunity to thank those that sacrifice their lives to ensure our freedom – the foundation of America – is something I cherish.
My producer is giving me a mean look. I’m holding everyone up and it’s time to go back to work. Thanks for checking in with me and I hope you’re as excited for Monday night as I am!


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